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We are proud to provide you with our registration system for camp, information on trips and events as well as our website. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information as well as family members. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.Once you have submitted all the information your account will be reviewed and an approved email sent.You will receive all emails sent out regarding events, programs, sign ups and cancellations.Contact Michele Deshler for information on the Senior/Rec Centermdeshler@thetownofchester.org(845) 469-7000 ext 332 or call/text 845-325-7227.Contact Walter Popailo, Director of the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center, for information on the Theatrewpopailo@thetownofchester.org(845) 469-7000 ext 101Contact Kristin Palmer for information on the use of Town fields, parks or pavilionskpalmer@thetownofchester.org(845) 469-7000 ext 102Please make checks payable to Town of Chester.Mission Statement: To provide, promote and present to the Community of Chester social, cultural, and recreational activities. Provide Park and Leisure venues that allow individuals and families to recreate through organized or self-promoted activities.Michele DeshlerRecreation Coordinatormdeshler@thetownofchester.org845-325-7227 (call/text)www.chester-ny.gov Walter PopailoRecreation DirectorThe Town of Chester@ Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center (PAC)231 Creamery Pond RdChester NY 10918845-469-7000 ext 101 (office)wpopailo@thetownofchester.orgwww.chester-ny.gov